April 26 2021 – Meeting
April 26 2021 – Meeting
Another meeting within the BTO project – Blue Tourism Opportunities took place on April 26 this year. The meeting was aimed at discussing and adopting the information template in individual parts of the MOOC course on entrepreneurship in blue tourism, as well as accepting the layout of the website, establishing procedures for placing information on the project’s Facebook and responsibility for posts. The dissemination strategy for the BTO project was also discussed. A number of technical aspects of project implementation were discussed, as well as those related to project management.
Partners: Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Hotelarstwa Vistula – Coordinator (Poland); Asociacion de Innovacion Emprendimiento y Tecnologias de la Informacion y la Comunicacion (INNETICA) (Spain); Institut National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Turism (Romania); ESE, Ensino Superior Empresarial, LDA. (Portugal); Skills Zone Malta co. Limited (Malta); Glandrive, Unipessoal LDA (Portugal)