BTO Transnational Meeting Zaragoza
Day 1 The meeting had place in the ESIC University, and had focus on the Blue Tourism Opportunities (BTO) Project, co-funded by …
BTO Transnational Meeting Warsaw
Day 1 The meeting had place in the Vistula University, and had focus on the Blue Tourism Opportunities (BTO) Project, co-funded by …
BTO Training Activity Poland
On May 23-27, 2022, training under the Blue Tourism Opportunities project took place. Representatives of five countries (Portugal, Spain, Malta, Romania, Poland) …
BTO Transnational Meeting Bucharest
Day 1 The meeting had place in the Hotel Capitol, and had focus on the Blue Tourism Opportunities (BTO) Project, co-funded by …
BTO Transnational Meeting Porto
Day 1 The meeting had place in the ISAG-EBS facilities, and had focus on the Blue Tourism Opportunities (BTO) Project, co-funded by …
BTO Kick-Off Meeting
The first transnational partners meeting took place on the 18th of February of 2021. The meeting, initially scheduled in Warsaw (Poland), was …