BTO Transnational Meeting Bucharest
BTO Transnational Meeting Bucharest
Day 1
The meeting had place in the Hotel Capitol, and had focus on the Blue Tourism Opportunities (BTO) Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
During this meeting, the MOOC’s contents were presented and the progress of the development of the platform where the Massive Open Online Course will be hosted, was analyzed.
In the afternoon there was a tourist visit around the city and afterwards a dinner where experienced the flavours of Romanian gastronomy.
Day 2
On the second day of the BTO Transnational Meeting Bucharest, all pending issues were discussed and analysed, future actions were planned and the next Transnational Meetings and Learning Activities of this international project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, were scheduled.
Skills Zone Malta , Innetica, INCD Turism , Grupa Uczelni Vistula and GLanDrive.
#tourism #entrepreneurship #bluetourism #training #employability #mentoring #erasmus #EuropeanUnion