Next week all partners from the Blue Tourism Opportunities Project will meet in Bucharest for our second in person transnational meeting.
Next week all partners from the Blue Tourism Opportunities Project will meet in Bucharest for our second in person transnational meeting. Stay with us in order to catch up with all the developments of the MOOC Course …
Tourism’s central role in advancing the Blue Economy was highlighted as UNWTO chaired a special session and joined a Heads of State panel at the One Ocean Summit, hosted by the French Presidency this week. In a session on “Tourism in the Blue Economy” co-hosted …
You Can’t Go Green without Blue
All around the world, countries are looking to transition to a ‘green’ economy that is low in carbon, socially inclusive and resource efficient. In its simplest form, ‘green’ has become short for a sustainable social, environmental and economic future. While the world’s attention has been …
Challenges of the Blue Economy: evidence and research trends
The Blue Economy is a recent field of study that encompasses economic activities that depend on the sea, often associated with other economic sectors, including tourism, maritime transport, energy and fishing. Blue growth supports the sustainable growth of the maritime and marine sectors as the …
The Delphi Economic Forum and the EPLO Institute for Sustainable Development are organizing on 22 February 2022 the Blue Economy Forum II, an event that aims to explore the crossroads of the EU Blue Green Deal and the UN endeavors for sustainable livelihoods and the opportunities arising from the ocean. …
The BTO partnership is finalizing the last details of IO1. We will be able to show results very soon, stay posted!
#Erasumus+ #highereducation #bluetourism #sustainabletourism #blueeconomy …
How should tourism education values be transformed after 2020? Interesting academic article about re-considering the future of tourism higher education in a Covid-19 world #Erasumus+ #highereducation #bluetourism #sustainabletourism #blueeconomy …
First online follow-up meeting of the year for the BTO team. The IO1 is nearly finished. Watch out for our MOOC platform coming soon!
First online follow-up meeting of the year for the BTO team. The IO1 is nearly finished. Watch out for our MOOC platform coming soon! #Erasumus+ #highereducation #bluetourism #sustainabletourism #blueeconomy …
Blue Economy and Coastal Tourism: A Comprehensive Visualization Bibliometric Analysis
Blue Tourism is very wide topic, also interesting for research studies. Pls feel invited for reading article from SUSTAINABILITY? The article analyses texts dealing with the title issues from the Scopus database. What are results ? Let’s check… …
Coastal zones and cities are complex, intricate, and highly vulnerable, and comprise multiple ecosystems, processes, boundaries, stakeholders, and sector interests
Source: …